The distance between the pupils should measure 46% of the width of the face (from ear to ear). It can be tempting to strive for the perfect, “most desirable” look, but in reality, the best facelift results will highlight your natural beauty. Clear communication with your plastic surgeon about your needs and goals is one of the most important aspects of your initial consultation, as this can help you assess whether or not those goals are realistically achievable. Facial harmony is about creating a balance between facial features.
Its objective is to achieve an aesthetic appeal, where each part of the face complements the others. This concept is fundamental both for cosmetic surgery and for non-surgical treatments. In a world where first impressions matter, the face plays a crucial role in defining a person's appearance and confidence. Perfect facial symmetry, often associated with beauty and youth, can now be achieved through advanced facelift surgery.
This transformative procedure not only rejuvenates the face, but it also restores balance and harmony, making it a popular option among people looking for an aesthetic improvement. The objective of this study was to summarize the existing literature on the origin of the concept of divine proportion and its use in the field of plastic surgery. We hypothesize that these controversies can be resolved through a careful, historically based comparative evaluation of the corresponding philosophical ideas. Even so, researchers were able to devise mathematical ways of measuring beauty, which served as the basis for the aesthetic techniques of every facial plastic surgeon when performing facial cosmetic surgeries in your patients.
Plastic surgery techniques are powerful in helping us get as close as possible to that perfect face with ideal facial proportions. According to a study conducted at JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery, one third of the fullness should be in the upper lip and two thirds in the lower lip and chin area. When scheduling a consultation with your plastic surgeon, it can be helpful to bring photos of examples of the types of results you're looking for. An expert facial plastic surgeon understands the nuances of this concept and knows that each face is unique.
However, know that it's best to use these images as a guide to ensure that you and your plastic surgeon are on the same page. As indicated in the results, the golden ratio is still used in mammoplasty, tummy tuck and cheek shaping in plastic surgery. Instead of trying to recreate the supposedly perfect face, a cosmetic surgeon can employ any number of tricks to add balance and, yes, proportions as needed. As you consider options to achieve that perfect face and increase body confidence, know that the best age for plastic surgery is completely up to you.
Cory Torgerson is a licensed otolaryngologist, head and neck surgeon and licensed facial plastic surgeon. That's why going to a board-certified plastic surgeon makes all the difference when looking for a perfect face with balance and harmony.