Overall, studies suggest that most patients were satisfied with the outcome and felt better about themselves. This was particularly the case for women. This was the case, in particular, of women undergoing reduction mammoplasty. Areas of functioning that showed improvement included “self-esteem”, distress and shyness, and “quality of life”.
However, many of these studies have methodological limitations, including small sample sizes and potentially biased determination. It could be said that patients who agree to participate in this type of research and commit to pre-intervention and post-intervention interviews represent a biased group, but none of the studies estimated the extent of that potential bias. In addition, clinical interviews may be subject to bias on the part of both the respondent and the interviewer, and very few studies employed “blind” people. It is especially worrying that not all studies used valid evaluation tools, making it difficult to interpret the results.
Finally, most of the studies evaluated very specific procedures and it is not clear how generalizable their results are to other types of aesthetic intervention. A review of relevant studies suggests that, in general, most patients are satisfied with the results of their cosmetic surgeries. Researchers have also found that people who undergo cosmetic procedures often experience a decrease in feelings of anxiety and depression and an overall improvement in their quality of life. What I do for a living is extremely rewarding, and I think it's important, as a practitioner, woman, mother and supportive human being, to consider how it affects my patients to undergo a plastic surgery procedure.Cosmetic surgeons from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery55 found a high level of awareness of body dysmorphic disorder and a reluctance to operate on these patients.
In addition, these procedures are performed by a variety of different professionals, including aesthetic doctors, dermatologists, and plastic surgeons. In addition, plastic surgery often helps those who suffer from body image problems by restoring their sense of attractiveness and worth. Whether it's a facial rejuvenation, body enhancement, or reconstructive procedure, plastic surgery can build a level of confidence that brings out the best in you. The correlation between physical appearance and mental health has been studied for several years, and many plastic surgery patients have reported improvements in their mental well-being after surgery. However, when a patient is in that stable and healthy emotional state, plastic surgery can increase confidence and improve perspective in a way that can alleviate some of the insecurities they have.
To find a qualified plastic surgeon for any cosmetic or reconstructive procedure, consult a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. One of the primary goals of plastic surgery procedures is to help patients increase their self-esteem and self-confidence by helping them provide a body or facial image that meets their desires. Many patients, through plastic surgery, have been able to experience reduced levels of depression and anxiety, as well as greater acceptance and a greater sense of satisfaction. Many studies have been conducted over the years to measure the impact of plastic surgery on patients' lives.
While some people may initially hesitate to consider the possibility of surgical intervention, there are cases where surgery becomes the only viable option to achieve the desired results. Most studies indicate that, in general, people are satisfied with the outcome of cosmetic procedures, but few rigorous evaluations have been performed. The cosmetic specialist should probably be more concerned about people to whom many professionals have performed numerous procedures and, in particular, for those who claim that the result of these procedures has not been satisfactory.